Customer support manager

Персонал в Александрия (Кировоградская обл.). IT, WEB специалисты

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Досвід роботи

My Resume

My name is David Vitchenko. I 23 years old. I live in a small town from Ukraine called Olexandria. I have graduated bachelor of IT-specialist in Kharkiv National University of Karazin in 2019. From that time, I started to work in the library as a system administrator, because I have to pass alternative military service because of my religious views. And as my service goes to end, I want to find out a new job that would be connected with my profession which I like.

My responsibilities in current work:

  • Maintenance and repair of computers
  • Support library website
  • Creating video content
  • Conducting computer courses for the elderly
  • Conducting robot clubs for kids

I really like my work but because of low financial opportunities (because that is government job) I have to look for some more attractive. I am open to vacancies in the field of IT (without experience), customer support or similar options with need of know English.

And some words about me. I love music, and I am a drummer and a singer, also I like to make photos and videos, I have experience of work in such programs as: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas. Likewise, I want to travel over the world to meet new people and to see interesting places, so I need to have remote work. Furthermore, I open to different suggestions and not afraid to try something new.